Enter into the life of Drew (pray hope that you don't become obsessed over it...)

Welcome! This is my blog about lessons that I have learned! Hopefully, you'll take something out of this. If not, then that's your own fault, and possibly a bit of my own.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tip #16

Tip #16: Love comes to those who are patient.

Everyone struggles with this. There isn't a single person I know who can truly say that they are patient. No one can be truly patient because there is always something that can make them tick until, like a time bomb, they explode, leaving destruction in their wake. It hurts themselves, and it can hurt those around them. Patience is an incredible jewel to obtain, but the path to that treasure is one that is long, harrowing, and difficult.

I claim that I am a patient man. At times I can be very patient. At others...well...those who know me best know what happens there. I know for a fact that I cannot be patient all the time, especially when it comes to finding my eternal companion. My biggest problem with both is I want to see results immediately, preferably ones that I would like.

Ah the eternal companion portion. I, unfortunately, am not patient at all with this part. My whole life, since I've been able to realize that I want someone special in my life, I could not help but look. The romantic in me wants one of those high school or childhood sweethearts that I would one day marry. I want things to just fall into place and to have a clear, straight path that will lead me right to that girl. That is not how life works, however. Instead, life sends you on a wild goose chase all over the stinking planet. Hearts are broken, feelings are hurt, hate forms where love should be. Soon enough, all you can think about are the past relationships and how they could've turned out differently or how your heart could've avoided being broken if you knew then what you know now. As life goes on, it seems like you keep getting it wrong and your patience starts wearing thinner and thinner until it's nothing more than a piece of thread. Soon enough, we begin to think that we're never going to get married and have a family. For those who are far enough down the road, to which I hope you are not there yet, you give up entirely. Looking at happy married couples with families, I can tell you right now that if you wait just a little bit longer, your companion will be well worth the wait. Ask your parents or some other married extended family member, and they will tell you that they waited, learned, and searched for the one that would complete them. For you who are stuck on someone right now, ESPECIALLY if you're a teen, you may think that we may be with "so and so" in the future, but there is a small likelihood that would happen if you're the only one who believes it. Take it from someone who has been there and done that. Am I with her now? Nope. Does she talk to me anymore? Double no. Does she acknowledge my existance? Not from my standpoint. Am I ok with that? Yes but it took some patience in pain and much thinking. My point is, think about this whole thing. Do you see a future with them (without deluding yourself)? If not, then drop kick them out of your life and look elsewhere. We're holding on to the past because it's familiar to us. Returning to the past is possibly one of the worst ideas ever. It will be well worth your time if you instead move forward with your life. I guarrantee it. It may take a while, maybe even a long time, so long as you are patient as you are wandering around aimlessly in love, you may stumble upon that diamond in the rough.


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